'R wyf yma dan y tonnau
'Rwy yma dan y tonnau
'Rwyf yma dan y tonnau

(Achubol ras)
'Rwyf yma dan y tonnau
  Yn gruddfan llawer awr,
Yn methu cadw 'ngolwg
  Ar y Messia mawr:
Fe ddaw y dydd caf nofio,
  O fewn i'w dawel hedd,
Na's colla'i ngolwg arno,
  Yr ochr draw i'r bedd.

Rhyfeddod mawr fydd gweled,
  Pechadur fu mor bell,
Y'ngwlad y moch a'r cibau,
  Heb brofi dim
      oedd well;
Yn gwledda gyd â'r dyrfa
  Heb eisiau yn eu plith,
A llawen ganu'r anthem,
  Heb ddiwedd arni byth.

Rhyfeddod mawr fydd gweled,
  Pechadur oedd mor ddu,
A'i wisg yn wen fel eira,
  Y'mhlith y sanctaidd lu,
Fel perl y'ngoron Iesu,
  Dros fyth o hynny i ma's;
Bydd miloedd yn y bywyd,
  Yn canmol golud gras.
John Thomas 1730-1804?
Caniadau Sion 1788
- - - - -
'R wyf yma dan y tonnau Yn griddfan lawer awr, Yn ofni colli 'ngolwg Ar y Messia mawr; Ar fyr daw y dydd caf nofio, I mewn i'm tawel hedd; Ni chollaf olwg arno Yr ochor draw i'r bedd. Fe dderfydd sôn am ryfel Fe dderfydd cario'r groes, Fe dderfydd dyddiau galar, Fe dderfydd poenau oes, Fe dderfydd temtasiynau, Fe dderfydd dyddiau gwae, Fe dderfydd tywallt dagrau, Daw amser llawenhau. Mae f'enaid yn hiraethu Am gael fy rhoddi'n rhydd, A myned at fy mrodyr Sydd wedi cario'r dydd; Ar ddysglaer wedd fy Mhriod, Heb drallod, briw, na phoen, Lle pery'r gân ddiddarfod Am rinwedd gwaed yr Oen.
John Thomas 1730-1804?
- - - - -
(Buddugoliaeth trwy y Cyfryngwr - Rhan II)
'Rwy yma dan y tonnau,
  Yn griddfan lawer awr,
Yn methu cadw ngolwg
  Ar y Messiah mawr:
Ar fyr daw'r dydd cai nofio
  I fewn i'w dawel hedd,
Ni chollai'r olwg arno,
  Yr ochr draw i'r bedd.

O deffro di, fy nghalon,
  Myfyria angau loes;
Pa dafod byth all adrodd
  Rhinweddau gwaed y groes?
Oddi yno y llewyrchodd,
  Y wawr nefolaidd sydd
Yn troi tywyllwch dudew,
  Yn oleu fel y dydd.

Ni bydd y wledd ond dechreu,
  Pan ddelo angau ddydd;
Fel 'r amlhao'r dyrfa,
  Caniadau fwy fwy fydd;
Ond pan ddel cyrph y seintiau,
  Yn gryno i gyd o'r bedd,
Rhyw ddechre heb ddiwedd bythol,
  Fydd y drag'wyddol wledd.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Grawnsyppiau Canaan 1805 / Cas. M Davies 1835
- - - - -
'Rwy yma dan y tonnau, Yn griddfan, lawer awr, Yn methu cadw 'ngolwg Ar y Messiah mawr: Ar fyr daw'r dydd cai nofio I mewn i'w dawel hedd - Ni cholla'i 'ngolwg arno, Yr ochr draw i'r bedd. Bydd myrdd o ryfeddodau Ar doriad bore wawr, Pan ddelo plant y tonnau Yn iach o'r cystudd mawr! Oll yn eu gynau gwynion, Ac ar eu newydd wedd, Yn debyg idd eu Harglwydd Yn dod i'r lan o'r bedd.
1: John Thomas 1730-1804?
2: Dafydd George Jones 1780-1879
Llawlyfr Moliant 1930
- - - - -
'R wyf yma dan y tonnau Yn griddfan lawer awr, Yn methu cadw 'ngolwg Ar y Meseia mawr; Ar fyr daw'r dydd caf nofio I mewn i'w dawel hedd, Na cholla' i 'ngolwg arno, Yr ochor draw i'r bedd. Os rhaid yw bod mewn gofid Dros ennyd yn y byd, Caf orffwys yn dragwyddol O fewn y nefoedd glyd; Ni'm canlyn unrhyw elyn I'r wlad tu draw i'r bedd; 'D oes yno ond llawenydd, A chariad byth a hedd.
1: John Thomas 1730-1804?
2: Peter Williams 1723-96
Y Caniedydd 1960

Tonau [7676D]:
Aberystwyth (<1829)
Babel (Sacred Harmony 1786)
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)
Llan-Llwch (David Richards 1880-1950)
Hannheim (H L Hassler 1564-1612)

  Bydd myrdd o ryfeddodau
  Rhan I - Ce's gadarn graig i ymguddio
  Fe dderfydd sôn am ryfel
  Ni bydd y wledd ond dechreu
  O Dduw rho olwg newydd
  Ymado wnaf â'r babell
  Yn nghanol gorthrymderau (Mi orfoleddaf mwy)

(Saving grace)
I am under the waves
  Groaning many an hour,
Failing to keep my sight
  On the great Messiah:
The day will come when I may swim,
  Into his quiet peace,
I will not lose my view of him,
  On yonder side of the grave.

Very wonderful it will be to see,
  A sinner who was so far away,
In the land of the pig and the husks,
  Without experience anything
      that was better;
Feasting with the throng
  Without want among them,
And joyfully singing the anthem,
  Without any end to it forever.

Very wonderful it will be to see,
  A sinner who was so black,
With his garments white like snow,
  Amongst the sacred host,
Like a pearl in the crown of Jesus,
  Forever from then on;
There will be thousands in the life,
  Extolling the wealth of grace.
- - - - -
I am here under the waves Groaning many an hour, Fearing losing my sight Of the great Messiah; Shortly shall come the day I get to swim, Into my quiet peace; I shall not lose sight of him On yonder side of the grave. The mention of war shall cease, Carrying the cross shall cease, Days of lamenting shall cease, The pains of an age shall cease, Temptations shall cease, Days of woe shall cease, The shedding of tears shall cease, The time of rejoicing shall come. My soul is longing For me to get set free, And go to my brothers Who have carried the day; On the radiant likeness of my Spouse, Without trouble, wound, or pain, Where the unceasing sound shall continue About the merit of the blood of the Lamb.
- - - - -
(Victory through the Mediator - Part 2)
I am here under the waves,
  Groaning many an hour,
Failing to keep my gaze
  On the great Messiah:
Shortly shall come the day I get to swim
  Into his quiet peace,
I shall not lose the sight of him,
  On yonder side of the grave.

O awake thou, my heart,
  Meditate on the throes of death;
What tongue can ever report
  The merits of the blood of the cross?
From there shone,
  The heaven dawn that is
Turning pitch-black darkness,
  Into light like the day.

The feast shall only be beginning,
  When the day of death comes;
Thus the throng shall multiply,
  Songs shall be more and more;
But when the bodies of the saints come,
  All trembling from the grave,
Some beginning without ever any end,
  Shall be the eternal feast.
- - - - -
I am here under the waves, Groaning, many an hour, Failing to keep my gaze On the great Messiah: Shortly the day shall come when I get to swim Into his quiet peace - I shall not lose the sight of him, On yonder side of the grave. There shall be a myriad of wonders At the break of the morning dawn, When the children of the waves come Safely from the great tribulation! All in their white robes, And in their new condition, Similar to their Lord Coming up from the grave.
- - - - -
I am here under the waves Groaning many an hour, Failing to keep my gaze On the great Messiah; Shortly the day shall come when I get to swim Into his quiet peace, I shall not lose my sight of him, On yonder side of the grave. If being in grief is necessary For a while in the world, I shall get to rest eternally Within the secure heavens; No enemy shall follow me Into the land beyond the grave; There is there only joy, And love forever and peace.
tr. 2017,22 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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